we had a guest speaker in class whose “Real job” is copywriting. To be
perfectly honest, I have never really considered copywriting as a job. I just
assumed that a marketing agency handled any and all advertising elements. How
wrong I was. Our speaker introduced us to her career by explaining that she
works side by side with corporations, as well as smaller mom and pop companies.
She described that she does everything from writing in-house memos for large
corporations, to writing those pesky text messages you provider sends you,
ordering you to, “Upgrade now for unlimited text messages,” and so on and so
forth. Although this part of the speech seemed incredibly unappealing and very
much like, “selling out to the man,” it is just one element of her job.
Wikipedia defines copywriting as, “The use of words to promote a person,
business, opinion, or idea.” This demonstrates the wide range of ways one can
utilize their skills in this type of industry. Just like anything else in life,
this career is what you make it, and you can gear your business to your
capability. Plus, there's money in it!!!!
Maybe you smoked too many cigarettes when you were in High School You sat around, inside dark rooms with your dork friends watching the sliced onion smoke curl up to the dim fluorescents, talking about how great it must have been back then—all high ideals. Maybe, you like the look of the Fedora; you like the look of the dark trench coats with the belt pulled tight against your sides, with the rain pouring down. Maybe, you’re all grand notions of changing the world through noble questions.
Whether it’s your misguided conceptions of temporary cool or your overwhelming need to know–you crave to write for the daily news. Just how do you go about doing that? In the time of free untrafast Internet news, is it even worth the trouble? What’s the gig? Is there a career in daily news? How do you get into it?
For musicians, creating a brand for oneself is the most important factor in becoming a recognized and revered artist; the same goes for music writers. However, the art in music writing is a reaction, a gut feeling everyone gets when they listen to a song is put into words and hopefully understood by the reader. In a clogged market for music writers though, being able to define the way one feels about a song or album isn’t enough; you need to be able to define it quickly in an age where new music spreads across the internet at a stellar pace. It’s kind of petty but seems crucial that music writers know about the next big thing before everyone else does. It lends them credibility and in many cases is what defines a music writer’s career, allowing them to ascend in what is an incredibly competitive field. Take for example Seattle Times music writer Andrew Matson and Seattle hip-hop group Shabazz Palaces. Shabazz Palaces (pictured above) was and still is a relatively unknown hip-hop group from Seattle’s Central District. The group has no MySpace page, and were cloaked in mystery for much of their early existence. Matson was one of the first to publicly write about them and has championed the group ever since, even bestowing them the honor of his “Best Album of 2009”. Recently the group was discovered, in part due to some of his Twitter updates, by Larry Fitzmaurice of the mighty online music site Pitchfork. Matson immediately went to work blogging about blogging. A portion of which is below: