Monday, April 26, 2010

Image Consultant

As an English major, you know all about language. You have analyzed works in the English language, perhaps considered translations from other languages, or even looked at the components of language in related fields like semiotics. Language has become such an integral part of your life that you may have forgotten it is a skill--one that many people do not possess, and subsequently, one you can sell to them.

As an image consultant, you can capitalize on your knowledge of language, and use it to excel in the field of personal branding. Personal branding involves indentifying and creating a visual brand language, similar to that used by a company, for an individual.

Think of it like writing a book report: pretend your client is the novel, and you are describing the things they do well or poorly. Clarity, coherency, consistency--all qualities present in good writing--must be presented by your client in order to help him be successful in his field. You provide him with the service of analyzing and then explaining aspects of his personal brand that work well, and other aspects that are ineffective.

Consider Nicole Kidman and her contract with Chanel as an example of successful personal branding. Kidman has successfully promoted herself (through the help of her own personal brand consultants) so that she has monetary value as a brand. Chanel then hopes to increase their sales by using Kidman's personal brand to promote their product.

Having a strong personal brand is useful in many fields, which makes this career flexible and multi-faceted. It also means that whatever your personal interests and skills, you can probably shape them into an image consulting career. Your target audience as an image consultant could include:

  • Lawyers and their clients
  • Individuals seeking employment or a change in career
  • Actors and actresses
  • Corporate executives
  • Athletes
  • Beauty pageant contestants
  • Spouses of recently promoted executives
  • Cancer survivors
  • Television personalities
  • Politicians and their spouses
  • Women who want a new look
  • Transgender individuals
  • Singles seeking a partner
Your typical workday will look quite different depending on which industry your client is from; as an image consultant, you could find your niche anywhere from the fashion industry, helping models with their portfolios, to working for a corporate executive on Wall Street.

Depending on the type of service offered and the clientele being served, image consulting may also be referred to as: appearance management, fashion consulting, fashion styling, image management, makeover consulting, perception management, personal branding, visual branding, and wardrobe consulting.

--Rose Gebken

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